Friday, May 02, 2008

Featured Book - "The Kingdom of Infinite Space"

Raymond Tallis
The Kingdom of Infinite Space: A Fantastical Journey Around your Head
Atlantic, 2008, 128.2 TAL

Raymond Tallis — doctor, philosopher, author, and Kirsty young’s favourite Desert Island DJ — spent much of his working life at the practical end of neurology, but has spent his retirement writing a book about all the bits of the head that aren’t the brain.

Apparently once called My Head: Portrait in a Foxed Mirror, The Kingdom of Infinite Space contends that [t]here is no shortage of books on the brain. Indeed, I would venture that there is a serious lack of such a shortage,” and rather then add to the problem by chasing down consciousness in a single, physical organ, it instead carefully thinks through the various concious, preconcious and unconcious inputs our head recieves, via the senses, and signals it sends back out, through kissing, laughing, yawning, crying, and vomiting.

Tallis will be bringing his wide range of interests to the RSA on Tuesday 6th May. You can book your place for the talk here, and borrow a copy of The Kingdom of Infinite Space by emailing the RSA Library.

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